De sancto Philippo et Iacobo
Homilies for Saints

Par Alina MIHOC
Publication en ligne le 05 octobre 2013

Texte intégral

1Frendys, ȝe shal haue a solempne fest in Holy Chirche of seynt Phelippe and seynt Iacobus, and as we redyn of hem that thei wentyn here in erthe with Cryste and after the ascencioun of oure Lord Ihesu, seynt Phelyppe went him into a londe that was cleped Sithe and there he preched Goddes worde to the peple. And so with his prechinge he conuerted many men to cristen feith. And so at the laste there were summe wolde not beleue in him and thout to don him sum euel turnefor his prechinge. And so thei toke hem togedyre and toke him at the laste and dede cast him into presoun. And there was a dragoun that had slayn many men tofore

2/f. 49r/ honde. And so whanne this man Phelypp was comen into the[presoun]1,he saw lyn in the presoun iii dede men that the dragoun had slayn. And anon he toke up his honde and blessed hem and thei resyn ayen to lyf. And whanne he had so don, he toke holde on the dragoun and threw him out of presoun and commaunde him to gon into wilderness and neuere dere man more. And whan thei sen this that had don, thei thanked him thereof and bad him don with hem what [he]2 wolde, for thei seyden thei wolde be with him euere more after. And whanne he had don thus, he went him into anoder cite that was cleped Ierapolym, and there this holy man Phelyppe dyed whanne he was of the age of iiii score yere and to God that he loued moste he dede yelde up the goste. And Iacob, that was of the lynage of Cryste be the moder half, and on a tyme the Sarȝins come to him and preyed him that he wolde stonde up in the pulpitte and preche to the peple that thei shulde not beleuyn that Ihesu Cryst was not Goddess sone of heuene. And whanne thei seyde thus to him, thei knewe not that he was Goddes dissyple, but whanne thei preyed him for to don it, he graunte hem. And anon thei toke him up and there thei bere him up on hie and dede sette

3/f. 49v/ him on a penacle. And anon he began to prechen an seyde thus to hem : “ Now, ye men of Israel’, he seyde, ‘for this thinge I am now set here: and the Iues and the Sarȝinsbad me sey that Ihesu Crist was not Goddes Sone of heuene, but for sothe I sey yow3 here now this : that he is very Goddes Sone of heuene. And how that he dyed on the crosse for the mennes loue, that wolde beleue that he was God. And also I sey this, how that he ros on the thirde day from deth to lyf. And also I telle yow now moreouere how that he hath yeven power to his dissyples to yeven in his name sight to hem that ben blynde, and also to reyse dede man to lyf. And also he hath yeven the power to dryue out deuels of mennes hertys. And whanne he had thus preched, tho anon the phariseus comen up to him and seyde : ‘We preyed the that ƿu shuldest haue don hem for to haue let the erroure that thei were inne and to maken hem be stille in oure feith. And now’, seyde thei, ‘ƿu hast made it wers than euere it was and brout into that beleue’, seyde thei. ‘And therefore ƿu shalt forthinke it or ƿu go hennes’. And anon on of hem with a fullers staffe set him on the hed that the brayn cam out after. And he lifte up his hondes and dede thanke God thereoffe. And right there he yelde up the gost to almyty God, so eueremore with him to duellyn in ioye and blisse withoutyn ende. Amen


1  prisoun] dragoun

2  he] thei

3  I sey yow] I sey yow this for sothe

Pour citer ce document

Par Alina MIHOC, «De sancto Philippo et Iacobo», The PurveyProject [En ligne], Editions de textes, Vies de Saints, mis à jour le : 06/10/2013, URL :