De sancto Andrea apostolo
Homilies for Saints

Par Alina MIHOC
Publication en ligne le 05 octobre 2013

Texte intégral

1Frendys, we redyn of this apostle seynt

2/f. 82r/ Andrewe and he went him into the londe of Greke to preche Goddes worde. And so it fel that he cam into a cite that was cleped Patras and there he mette with a man that was the kynges iustyse – his name was Egeas. And this man counseld men that thei shulde not beleue in Ihesu, Goddes sone, and make sacrifise to h[i]m1. And so this apostle Andrewe sawe how that he dede, and came to him and bad him leue his doynge and to deme no man, but he bad him that he shulde loue him, ƿat shulde sitte on him and deme him at his wille. And tho answerd the iustyse Egeas and seyde: ‘I trowe ƿu be Andrewe, the whiche hast distroyed oure goddes’. And Andrewe seyde to him ayen: ‘There shal come hedyre Goddes sone and he shal teche seche ydiotes in whome thay shal beleue inne’. And he, ˊEgiasˋ, answerd him ayen and seyde: ‘That it was but veyne wordes that he spake, for whi’, he seyde, ‘whanne his God Ihesu dede prechen, the Iues toke him anon and dede him on the crosse. And so ƿu shalt be or ƿu go’. And tho answerd2

3/f. 82v/ Andrewe him ayen and seyde: ‘That it was his owne wille for take that passioun’. And the iustyse seyde to him ayen: ‘Whi? he seyde. Was he not betrayed with his owne dissyples to the Iues ? And was he not takyn with hem and led before Pilate? And there he was demed to be crucifyed. And therefore thanne whi mayste ƿu seyn that he toke it with his owne wille ?’ And tho seyde Andrewe ayen: ‘I shal telle the now. When for I was with him’, he seyde, ‘the same tyme that he was betrayed and seyde aforehande to us that on of us shulde betray him, and how that he wolde dyen on the crosse for helthe of mankynde, and howe he wolde rysen ayen to lyf on the thirde day’. And whanne he had thus seyde, Egeas seyde to him: ‘I knowe wele ƿu art a sotel man and meche sotelte ƿu canst speke of the passioun of thi God Ihesu. And therefore’, he seyde, ‘I shal assayen for I may do the to leue thi prechinge of him’. And anon he called to him his questioners and bad hem that thei shulde take him and do him on the crosse and bynde him there to bothe honde and fote. And thei dede as he bad

4/f. 83r/ hem don and dede crucifyen him. And thereon he hinge ii dayes and ii nytes. And euere as he hinge he preched the faith of Criste to the peple. And so at the laste the peple sawe wele that Andrewe was an holy man and thei sen wele that he drad nowte whatsoeuere thei dede to him. And there al the peple stode up at ones and seyde theise wordes: Non est iustum hominem sanctum hominem primumet mansuetum crucifigi. And this is to seyn: ‘Hit is not rightful that an holy man and a mekeman to ben crucifyed. And therefore’, seyde thei, ‘he shal be takyn doun ageyn’.And so thei come to him there he hingeand wolde haue takyn him doun. And hesaw that and toke up a crye and seydetheise wordes: Domine, Ihesu Christe, magister bone, iuve me de ista cruce; non deponi nisi autem spiritum meum susciperis. And thisis to seyn: ‘ƿu Lord Ihesu Cryste, my goodmaystere, defende ƿu me not to be takedoun of this crosse but if ƿu take beforn my spiryte’. And whanne he hadseyde theise wordes, there cam a

5/f. 83v/ gret lyȝt from heuene and in that lyȝt thespiryte departed from the body. And soit was born up to heuene with Cristes angels. Amen.


1  him] hem

2  ad mentu Deum sequitur solemna Ierusalem

Pour citer ce document

Par Alina MIHOC, «De sancto Andrea apostolo», The PurveyProject [En ligne], Editions de textes, Vies de Saints, mis à jour le : 06/10/2013, URL :